Local Repeaters

Local Repeaters
145.490 (+) 141.3 - Tupelo K5VGK 147.075 (+) 103.5 - Tupelo W5NEM 145.450 (-) 192.8 - Fulton WX5P
444.950 (+) DSTAR - Tupelo N5VGK 147.240 (+) 100 - Tupelo K5TUP 443.200 (+) DMR - Amory AD5T
146.940 (-) 192.8 - Amory KB5DWX 145.150 (-) 156.7 FUSION - Guntown WJ5D

Monday, June 10, 2024

NEMRA June Meeting

Good afternoon everyone. 
I hope this email finds you all in good health and spirits.
Just a reminder that we have the June meeting tomorrow, Tuesday, starting at 1830. We need to finalize things for field dayJune 22-23, 2024. 
Also, the new ICOM 7300 is in and will be available for those to see.   
Kasey is out with the skeeters and gnats in Shelby so the meeting should be limited and open for general HAM discussion afterwards. 
See everyone tomorrow and 73 for now.

 PS: If anyone has a program, learning technique, or something you can instruct, teach, or just share on, we need a small program at FD. The antenna program will have to wait for another time, Dan has had something come up. 

NEMRA- :-)
Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

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