Local Repeaters

Local Repeaters
145.490 (+) 141.3 - Tupelo K5VGK 147.075 (+) 103.5 - Tupelo W5NEM 145.450 (-) 192.8 - Fulton WX5P
444.950 (+) DSTAR - Tupelo N5VGK 147.240 (+) 100 - Tupelo K5TUP 443.200 (+) DMR - Amory AD5T
146.940 (-) 192.8 - Amory KB5DWX 145.150 (-) 156.7 FUSION - Guntown WJ5D

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Scouts on the Air Event

Greetings all,


NEMRA will be participating in the Jamboree on the Air this Saturday, directly following the testing session on 21 October. Steve(KI5ZQZ) has taken the lead for the event and has created an outline of what will be taught and presented to the scouts. During this event, Boy Scouts not only earn merit badges but also gain a profound appreciation for the power of communication and the potential of technology to connect people across vast distances. It is also an excellent opportunity to spark an interest in ham radio for the younger generation. We are anticipating eight or more scouts and a few leaders participating in the event. If you would like to join in or support this event, please let us know so we can better prepare for it. Steve will be your primary point of contact for this event at steves@nexband.com

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Meeting Tonight

Sorry for the late announcement, but our regularly scheduled meeting is tonight, Oct 10th, 2023 at 1830 hours at the club room on Cummings St in Fulton, MS.
There is no scheduled program so bring your ideas for an informal session after the meeting. 
Hope to see you there.

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857