Local Repeaters

Local Repeaters
145.490 (+) 141.3 - Tupelo K5VGK 147.075 (+) 103.5 - Tupelo W5NEM 145.450 (-) 192.8 - Fulton WX5P
444.950 (+) DSTAR - Tupelo N5VGK 147.240 (+) 100 - Tupelo K5TUP 443.200 (+) DMR - Amory AD5T
146.940 (-) 192.8 - Amory KB5DWX 145.150 (-) 156.7 FUSION - Guntown WJ5D

Monday, May 24, 2021

The time is drawing near.  It's a big day for ham radio.  I am certainly looking forward to getting together, getting on the air and promoting our hobby to the community!

I am sorting through the information packet, absorbing a few details.  Please be sure to mark your calendars for the 4th weekend in June and plan to join us, if able.  Members, Non-members, curious on-lookers or seasoned hams: We would love to have you all come out and be a part of Field Day 2021!

NEMRA, Old Grammar School Building, 603 Cummings Street, Fulton, MS
