Local Repeaters

Local Repeaters
145.490 (+) 141.3 - Tupelo K5VGK 147.075 (+) 103.5 - Tupelo W5NEM 145.450 (-) 192.8 - Fulton WX5P
444.950 (+) DSTAR - Tupelo N5VGK 147.240 (+) 100 - Tupelo K5TUP 443.200 (+) DMR - Amory AD5T
146.940 (-) 192.8 - Amory KB5DWX 145.150 (-) 156.7 FUSION - Guntown WJ5D

Monday, September 18, 2023

Radio Tower For Sale

NEMRA Members,

I hope this email finds you well. We have recently been contacted by Ashley Gray, who is looking to sell her radio tower, and I wanted to share this information with the members who could not make the meeting last week. The tower is located on her recently purchased property in Corinth, and she is looking to have it removed. I have attached pictures of the tower, and it is also for sale on Facebook marketplace. Please direct all questions to her email listed below.

Ashley Gray  agray1118@yahoo.com

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Meeting Tonight

Greetings all,


Sorry for the delay on the reminder. Our monthly meeting at the club room in Fulton will be tonight at 6:30 pm, at the Old Grammar School, 603 S Cummings St in Fulton, MS. Bring a friend to introduce to the hobby or a story to share. We look forward to seeing you there.


Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857