Local Repeaters

Local Repeaters
145.490 (+) 141.3 - Tupelo K5VGK 147.075 (+) 103.5 - Tupelo W5NEM 145.450 (-) 192.8 - Fulton WX5P
444.950 (+) DSTAR - Tupelo N5VGK 147.240 (+) 100 - Tupelo K5TUP 443.200 (+) DMR - Amory AD5T
146.940 (-) 192.8 - Amory KB5DWX 145.150 (-) 156.7 FUSION - Guntown WJ5D

Sunday, December 10, 2023

Christmas Fellowship and Dinner

CQ, CQ, CQ!! 
Reminder for all NEMRA members and family, and others if you wish to join in, our Christmas dinner will be on Tuesday December 12th, 2023 at the Tin Top Grill and  restaurant located at 3521 Hwy 178 Mooreville, MS at the intersection of State Park Road and MS Hwy 178. 
We will start about 1830 hours and this is a fellowship time for us and family for the year. 
God Bless Everyone and have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Monday, November 13, 2023

November Meeting

Greeting all,


Just a friendly reminder about NEMRA's monthly meeting tomorrow. The meeting will be held at the clubhouse and begin at 1830 hours. Topics of discussion will include officer nominations, results of recent local events, and other various other topics of amateur radio. Bring a story to tell or a new gadget to show off. We look forward to seeing you all there!

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Scouts on the Air Event

Greetings all,


NEMRA will be participating in the Jamboree on the Air this Saturday, directly following the testing session on 21 October. Steve(KI5ZQZ) has taken the lead for the event and has created an outline of what will be taught and presented to the scouts. During this event, Boy Scouts not only earn merit badges but also gain a profound appreciation for the power of communication and the potential of technology to connect people across vast distances. It is also an excellent opportunity to spark an interest in ham radio for the younger generation. We are anticipating eight or more scouts and a few leaders participating in the event. If you would like to join in or support this event, please let us know so we can better prepare for it. Steve will be your primary point of contact for this event at steves@nexband.com

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

Meeting Tonight

Sorry for the late announcement, but our regularly scheduled meeting is tonight, Oct 10th, 2023 at 1830 hours at the club room on Cummings St in Fulton, MS.
There is no scheduled program so bring your ideas for an informal session after the meeting. 
Hope to see you there.

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Monday, September 18, 2023

Radio Tower For Sale

NEMRA Members,

I hope this email finds you well. We have recently been contacted by Ashley Gray, who is looking to sell her radio tower, and I wanted to share this information with the members who could not make the meeting last week. The tower is located on her recently purchased property in Corinth, and she is looking to have it removed. I have attached pictures of the tower, and it is also for sale on Facebook marketplace. Please direct all questions to her email listed below.

Ashley Gray  agray1118@yahoo.com

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Meeting Tonight

Greetings all,


Sorry for the delay on the reminder. Our monthly meeting at the club room in Fulton will be tonight at 6:30 pm, at the Old Grammar School, 603 S Cummings St in Fulton, MS. Bring a friend to introduce to the hobby or a story to share. We look forward to seeing you there.


Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Monday, August 7, 2023

Monthly Meeting

Greetings all,

Our monthly meeting at the club room in Fulton will be tomorrow at 6:30 pm, at the Old Grammar School, 603 S Cummings St in Fulton, MS. Bring a friend to introduce to the hobby or a story to share. We look forward to seeing you there. 

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Saturday, August 5, 2023

Mississippi SET

For those that haven't been informed, here you go!!

Announcing the 2023 MS ARES Simulated Emergency Test (SET) 12 Aug 2023

The 2023 MS ARES SET will feature a land falling hurricane and recovery. The event will be 12 hours in duration. The hours of operations have been updated this year to 430am through 430pm local time. Modes in use will be High Frequency (HF) point to point NVIS systems as well as VHF/UHF repeaters (for inland voice nets). Again this year, we will also be using the Brandmeister DMR Talk-groups for Mississippi on VOIP hot spots. 

SET coordination will always be managed on the primary statewide HF Voice network and failover to DMR, NBEMS Digital HF as necessary.


The main purpose of the SET is to evaluate strengths and weaknesses of the state's Amateur Radio emergency preparedness as well as to demonstrate amateur radio to our served agencies and the public. Mississippi RACES is also very much a part of this test. 

MS ARES is designed to operate without infrastructure like repeaters or hardline internet services. The SET's success is based on message handling via radio frequency (RF) networks. 

ARES Mission:

It is the mission of the Mississippi Section Amateur Radio Emergency Service (ARES) to serve as the coordinating point for amateur radio operators in Mississippi and their served agencies in the event of a communications emergency.  

ARES is a national-level volunteer organization whose purpose is to serve the public by providing licensed, certified, and competent Amateur Radio communications to federal, state, county, and local government agencies, as well as to nonprofit disaster relief organizations.  

The primary activity of ARES is to provide emergency communications during disasters or remarkable events such as severe weather (hurricanes, flashfloods, ice storms), power failures, large area events (parades, marathons, races, walks, bicycle tours), etc... During an event, ARES will supplement public service communications or stand in the place of primary normal communications when other channels become unavailable. ARES will operate before, during, and after major disasters.


This year's test will be in three phases:

  1. Pre-landfall preps

  2. Landfall, and

  3. Recovery

    1. Only the coastal stations will be restricted on power and infrastructure.

    2. If a station has satellite internet (aka Starlink) they will be allowed to use that  mode for comms.

    3. A GroupMe texting group activated to help guide operators to active net frequencies and modes.

What do we need from MEMA?

Just for you to know that we're there doing our thing, testing our RF networks and trying to beat our performance from last year. In 2022, we scored fifth in the nation, however the previous two years, we scored #1 in the nation. We're trying to get back to the #1 spot. 

Why does Mississippi do so well at this test? Because the state has very little amateur radio infrastructure in place so normal day-to-day communications have to occur via our local HF nets in the absence of big hi-level repeaters. We have gotten really good at regional voice and digital communications over the years. When a real emergency takes place in our state, our operators rely on these regional nets to pass traffic.

We do get points for passing simulated traffic back and forth for our served agencies. For 2023, we would like to better coordinate with MEMA so we are testing message traffic that would fit in a land falling hurricane emergency. Let us know your thoughts?

I appreciate the bandwidth!


Stay tuned for more information. Please mark your calendars to participate in this event. Even if for just a short time throughout the day. We will be having a real hurricane event one of these days and this practice can help build our skills and identify the weak spots.

Passed on from Mike at TARC.


One attachment • Scanned by Gmail

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Meeting Tonight

Greetings everyone,

Sorry for the late reminder about tonight's meeting. We will meet at 6:30 p.m. at the clubhouse. No specific topics on the agenda this month, so bring any new gadgets or stories about new contacts that you made. I look forward to seeing you all there.

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Monday, July 10, 2023

July 15th, VE Testing at Fulton

It's that time again folks!!
UP SATURDAY JULY 15TH, 2023!!!!!!!!
JULY 15, 2023 - VE Testing!!!!!
We will be having VE testing at the NEMRA, Inc club room Saturday July15th l, 2023 beginning at 9am. We start at 9 am. We will be at the Old Fulton Grammar School located at 603 S Cummings St in Fulton, MS in the NEMRA club room. Look for the red testing sign for the entrance to the old school house (south side).
There is NO FEE for the testing, please bring at least 2 types of ID, one needs to be a state issued photo ID, a copy of your current license and any CSCE's not reflected in your current license (example, took general test yesterday, passed, and want to take extra today and the general upgrade has not been processed and posted yet).
As of Jan 1, 2021, Laurel VEC will no longer accept Social Security Numbers, FRN Only. The SS# entry has been removed from the application process and the session report. YOU MUST HAVE A FRN OR A VALID CALL SIGN OR YOU CANNOT TEST.
VERY IMPORTANT!!!! NOTE: If you are testing for the Technician license, PLEASE, follow the instructions below:
The FCC has begun the implementation of the $35 fee for Amateur Radio licenses !!
If you don't have an FRN, go to:
You will need to:
1) Register in CORES (in the middle)
2) Verify your email address and log in
3) Register for a new FRN
● You will need access to your email
● Username must be an email address
● Use your LEGAL NAME. Do not use NICKNAMES.
● Enter your Social Security Number without dashes
Once you have your FRN, click the Username Login button.
Click the Register FRN and complete the process.
You MUST have an FCC Registration Number (FRN) for your application.
If you have an Amateur (Ham) or GMRS License, you already have an FRN go to : http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/searchLicense.jsp to get your number if needed.
You must first register with the FCC and obtain a FRN before you can test. We do not accept social security numbers any more. You must bring your FRN number with you for the testing paperwork, as this is the only number you will have to complete the application (No social Security Numbers).
Please contact Bobby at w1law@yahoo.com or John at k5fy.usa@gmail.com for more information or notification that you intend to test that day.
Walk-ins are accepted however, we Prefer to know if you intend to take the test and make sure that you have your FRN prior to coming to Fulton so please RSVP as soon as possible.

Please go to www.laurelvec.com for more testing sessions for your area and go to www.w5nem.org for a complete list of scheduled exams on our blog calendar for NEMRA along with other club information.
We look forward to seeing you there and Good Luck and 73!!
Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Field Day

Greetings all,

Field Day 2023 was a massive success for NEMRA this year!! Thank you to all the members who participated and the support of those who could not make it. We had an excellent showing from members of the public, local officials, and the local news. They could see CW, FT8, and voice contacts being made, along with the weather station in action. Thanks to Jeff, KB5NMB, for heading that up and getting the weather station back operational. Hopefully, this past weekend has sparked a renewed interest in Field Day, and we can make a full 24hr run next year. Again, thank you to all members for your various ways of support this weekend, and its success was because of all your hard work.

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Monday, June 19, 2023

Reminder About Field Day 2023 Prep

Greeting all,

Just wanted to remind everyone about our prep tomorrow at 5:30 p.m. at the clubhouse. We will be making our final preparations for Field Day 2023 and would love to see you there. Also, we have some handouts and computer files for those who are interested in becoming a net control. You can use this to follow along until you feel like you are comfortable trying it yourself.  

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Field Day 2023 Operations

Greetings all,

I hope this message finds you well and in good spirits. We had a great meeting last night with an excellent turnout. It was good to see the familiar faces and some we hadn't seen in a while. The main topic of the night was the upcoming ARRL Field Day, 24-25 June. NEMRA will be participating this year, but we will not be doing 24hr operations as we did in the past.

To be as prepared as possible, we have scheduled a work day on Tuesday, June 20th. This work day will serve as our preparatory session for Field Day. We will meet at the clubhouse at 5:30 p.m., and together we will organize our equipment, review our setup plans, and address any logistical requirements.

We look forward to seeing you if you can make it.

Kasey, K5YMB

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Thursday, May 18, 2023


Hello All!!
Just a friendly Reminder for all local amateurs.
The local SkyWarn weather net will meet tonight, (Thursday), at 7pm on the Fulton repeater, 145.450 (-.6) offset and a PL tone of 192.8.
We look forward to any amateur radio operator or station who wishes to participate.
Hope to SEE/HEAR you all there!
See ya'll tonight and 73 to all!!
Please pass this information on to your friends and fellow Hams. If they are not on the email list, just have them send an email to nemra.inc@gmail.com, with the subject line "add to email" and request to be added to the general mail list for all club announcements. That's all they have to do.

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Weather Station

Greetings all,

I just wanted to send out a friendly reminder about the upcoming "project day" at 10:00 a.m. Saturday at the clubhouse in Fulton. The goal will be to get the weather station mounted and possibly back operational. We should have everything needed to complete this task, so there's no need to bring anything but maybe a pair of work gloves. The weather looks like it will be nice that day and cooler than it has been. This will be an excellent opportunity for some of our newer hams to see the club in action and learn a thing or two from some of our seasoned members. We look forward to seeing you all there if you can make it.

Kasey, K5YMB

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Meeting Tonight

Hello all!

Remember that our scheduled meeting at the club room in Fulton will be tonight at 6:30 pm, at the Old Grammar Building, 603 S Cummings St in Fulton, MS, at the south entrance. All are welcome and encouraged to come and visit and discuss local amateur radio operations and techniques. Topics of discussion will include Field Day 23, final plans for the weather station, and any topics in the hobby you want to discuss. We look forward to seeing everyone tonight!

- Kasey (K5YMB) 

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Monday, April 10, 2023

April Meeting Time and Location

Greetings all. I hope everyone had a great Easter holiday! This is a friendly reminder that tomorrow's meeting will be held at the storage facility in Fulton at 5:30 pm. It will be a condensed meeting followed by a combined effort to get the weather station back up and running. We look forward to seeing you all there, and let us know if you have any questions about the location.

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

VE Testing coming up!

UP SATURDAY APRIL 15TH, 2023!!!!!!!!
April 15, 2023 - VE Testing!!!!!
We will be having VE testing at the NEMRA, Inc club room Saturday April 15th, 2023 beginning at 9am. We will be at the Old Fulton Grammar School located at 603 S Cummings St in Fulton, MS in the NEMRA club room. Look for the red testing sign for the entrance to the old school house (south side).
There is NO FEE for the testing, please bring at least 2 types of ID, one needs to be a state issued photo ID, a copy of your current license and any CSCE's not reflected in your current license (example, took general test yesterday, passed, and want to take extra today and the general upgrade has not been processed and posted yet).
As of Jan 1, 2021, Laurel VEC will no longer accept Social Security Numbers, FRN Only. The SS# entry has been removed from the application process and the session report. YOU MUST HAVE A FRN OR A VALID CALL SIGN OR YOU CANNOT TEST.
VERY IMPORTANT!!!! NOTE: If you are testing for the Technician license, PLEASE, follow the instructions below:
The FCC has begun the implementation of the $35 fee for Amateur Radio licenses !!
If you don't have an FRN, go to:
You will need to:
1) Register in CORES (in the middle)
2) Verify your email address and log in
3) Register for a new FRN
● You will need access to your email
● Username must be an email address
● Use your LEGAL NAME. Do not use NICKNAMES.
● Enter your Social Security Number without dashes
Once you have your FRN, click the Username Login button.
Click the Register FRN and complete the process.
You MUST have an FCC Registration Number (FRN) for your application.
If you have an Amateur (Ham) or GMRS License, you already have an FRN go to : http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/searchLicense.jsp to get your number if needed.
You must first register with the FCC and obtain a FRN before you can test. We do not accept social security numbers any more. You must bring your FRN number with you for the testing paperwork, as this is the only number you will have to complete the application (No social Security Numbers).
Please contact Bobby at w1law@yahoo.com or John at k5fy.usa@gmail.com for more information or notification that you intend to test that day.
Walk-ins are accepted however, we would like to know if you intend to take the test and make sure that you have your FRN prior to coming to Fulton so please RSVP as soon as possible.
We will be cleaning and preparing the night before and face coverings and social distancing are encouraged and requested.
Please go to www.laurelvec.com for more testing sessions for your area and go to www.w5nem.org for a complete list of scheduled exams on our blog calendar for NEMRA along with other club information.
We look forward to seeing you there and Good Luck and 73!!

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Monday, April 3, 2023

Testing session scheduled 4/15/23

UP SATURDAY APRIL 15TH, 2023!!!!!!!!
April 15, 2023 - VE Testing!!!!!
We will be having VE testing at the NEMRA, Inc club room Saturday April 15th l, 2023 beginning at 9am. We start at 9 am. We will be at the Old Fulton Grammar School located at 603 S Cummings St in Fulton, MS in the NEMRA club room. Look for the red testing sign for the entrance to the old school house (south side).
There is NO FEE for the testing, please bring at least 2 types of ID, one needs to be a state issued photo ID, a copy of your current license and any CSCE's not reflected in your current license (example, took general test yesterday, passed, and want to take extra today and the general upgrade has not been processed and posted yet).
As of Jan 1, 2021, Laurel VEC will no longer accept Social Security Numbers, FRN Only. The SS# entry has been removed from the application process and the session report. YOU MUST HAVE A FRN OR A VALID CALL SIGN OR YOU CANNOT TEST.
VERY IMPORTANT!!!! NOTE: If you are testing for the Technician license, PLEASE, follow the instructions below:
The FCC has begun the implementation of the $35 fee for Amateur Radio licenses !!
If you don't have an FRN, go to:
You will need to:
1) Register in CORES (in the middle)
2) Verify your email address and log in
3) Register for a new FRN
● You will need access to your email
● Username must be an email address
● Use your LEGAL NAME. Do not use NICKNAMES.
● Enter your Social Security Number without dashes
Once you have your FRN, click the Username Login button.
Click the Register FRN and complete the process.
You MUST have an FCC Registration Number (FRN) for your application.
If you have an Amateur (Ham) or GMRS License, you already have an FRN go to : http://wireless2.fcc.gov/UlsApp/UlsSearch/searchLicense.jsp to get your number if needed.
You must first register with the FCC and obtain a FRN before you can test. We do not accept social security numbers any more. You must bring your FRN number with you for the testing paperwork, as this is the only number you will have to complete the application (No social Security Numbers).
Please contact Bobby at w1law@yahoo.com or John at k5fy.usa@gmail.com for more information or notification that you intend to test that day.
Walk-ins are accepted however, we would like to know if you intend to take the test and make sure that you have your FRN prior to coming to Fulton so please RSVP as soon as possible.
We will be cleaning and preparing the night before and face coverings and social distancing are encouraged and requested.
Please go to www.laurelvec.com for more testing sessions for your area and go to www.w5nem.org for a complete list of scheduled exams on our blog calendar for NEMRA along with other club information.
We look forward to seeing you there and Good Luck and 73!!

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Tuesday, March 21, 2023

Re: April Meeting Time and Location Change

I will make plan's to bring my two Soldering iron's, a flux tin and some electrical rated Solder. 
P.S. My soldering iron gun I normally use it kicked the bucket a couple week's ago while doing a repair on an 12v Rv style hanging light for my ham shack and tripped the GFCI I had it plugged into. so I'm gonna have to oder me a new one it was about 20 year's old and had seen a lot of heavy use. 
that way I can get set up if needed to help install PL-259's on coax cable's or tin Power cable's for hooking up to a power supply. 
or anything else if needed. 

73 De 
Andy Riley
Itawamba County Ms, Skywarn & A.R.E.S. 

On Monday, March 20, 2023 at 10:01:30 PM CDT, NEMRA, INC <nemra.inc@gmail.com> wrote:


I hope this email finds you well. NEMRA will be making some changes to the time and location of the 11-April meeting. The meeting will be held at 5:30 pm at the storage location just off the South Access Road in Fulton. It will be modified/abbreviated to ensure we have time to make final preparations to get the weather station back up and operational. If you have any questions regarding the location, please reach out, and we will give you more detailed information. I look forward to seeing you all at our next meeting.

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857
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