Local Repeaters

Local Repeaters
145.490 (+) 141.3 - Tupelo K5VGK 147.075 (+) 103.5 - Tupelo W5NEM 145.450 (-) 192.8 - Fulton WX5P
444.950 (+) DSTAR - Tupelo N5VGK 147.240 (+) 100 - Tupelo K5TUP 443.200 (+) DMR - Amory AD5T
146.940 (-) 192.8 - Amory KB5DWX 145.150 (-) 156.7 FUSION - Guntown WJ5D

Thursday, May 18, 2023


Hello All!!
Just a friendly Reminder for all local amateurs.
The local SkyWarn weather net will meet tonight, (Thursday), at 7pm on the Fulton repeater, 145.450 (-.6) offset and a PL tone of 192.8.
We look forward to any amateur radio operator or station who wishes to participate.
Hope to SEE/HEAR you all there!
See ya'll tonight and 73 to all!!
Please pass this information on to your friends and fellow Hams. If they are not on the email list, just have them send an email to nemra.inc@gmail.com, with the subject line "add to email" and request to be added to the general mail list for all club announcements. That's all they have to do.

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Wednesday, May 17, 2023

Weather Station

Greetings all,

I just wanted to send out a friendly reminder about the upcoming "project day" at 10:00 a.m. Saturday at the clubhouse in Fulton. The goal will be to get the weather station mounted and possibly back operational. We should have everything needed to complete this task, so there's no need to bring anything but maybe a pair of work gloves. The weather looks like it will be nice that day and cooler than it has been. This will be an excellent opportunity for some of our newer hams to see the club in action and learn a thing or two from some of our seasoned members. We look forward to seeing you all there if you can make it.

Kasey, K5YMB

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857

Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Meeting Tonight

Hello all!

Remember that our scheduled meeting at the club room in Fulton will be tonight at 6:30 pm, at the Old Grammar Building, 603 S Cummings St in Fulton, MS, at the south entrance. All are welcome and encouraged to come and visit and discuss local amateur radio operations and techniques. Topics of discussion will include Field Day 23, final plans for the weather station, and any topics in the hobby you want to discuss. We look forward to seeing everyone tonight!

- Kasey (K5YMB) 

Northeast Mississippi Radio Amateurs, Inc
PO Box 261
Mooreville, MS  38857